6 Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Appliances Online

6 Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Appliances Online

November 19, 2020 0 By Reyjon Oregas

Even in the age of mobile shopping, many people continue to have apprehensions about buying big-ticket items like appliances from online stores. In a 2018 report from the UK, two-thirds of the respondents said that they preferred buying from a brick-and-mortar shop rather than online. Of this group, 82 percent believed that purchasing items in traditional store locations offered more security, as they can see what the product looks like before committing to the purchase. 

At the same time, it can’t be denied that consumers enjoy the conveniences of buying big items on the internet. Many Filipinos like the fact that most online stores offer deliveries have better prices and discounts, and stock up on models and designs that aren’t available in traditional store locations. These are advantages that anyone who’s planning on upgrading their appliances can appreciate. 

If you’re shopping for new appliances on an online store like Robinsons Appliances, how can you make sure that you’re getting the right model for your home or office without seeing the unit in person? When narrowing down your options for appliances online, make sure you ask yourself the following questions: 

Do I have enough space for it? One of the first things you should consider is the size of the unit you want for your property. Your new refrigerator, oven, or washing machine should fit the room perfectly. If the unit is bigger than the space you have, it might not fit or it might make the area look too crowded. If it’s much smaller, though, it might not offer the same level of functionality that you are expecting, not to mention that it will stick out like a sore thumb in the room. 

The only way to go about this is to take an accurate measurement of the space where the new appliance will go. List down the dimensions and use this as a reference when checking out models online. If the space you have at home is more forgiving, you can also list down your preferred size range for the appliance. It may sound like a bit of added work, but it’s certainly easier than returning and exchanging your newest purchase because it’s not in the size that you need it to be. 

Does it complement the room it will be put in? It’s also important to consider the look and general ambiance of the room where the appliance will go. You want your newest purchase to fit with the rest of your belongings, which is why it’s a great idea to see if there’s a model that suits the room’s aesthetics. If you have a rustic kitchen or one that has a striking color scheme, you’ll want a dishwasher that won’t look out of place. Of course, there’s the option of simply adding a suitable appliance cover to it later on, but it wouldn’t hurt to try finding one with the right look from the get-go.

What does its energy rating say? Energy-efficient appliances have come a long way, so there’s really no reason to settle for an air-conditioning unit or electric stove that will increase your energy consumption. Appliances that are sold in physical or online stores need to showcase their energy rating, which refers to how much power the unit will need so it can run properly. Inspect the item’s Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). The higher this number, the more energy-efficient and cost-effective the appliance is. 

How long does the warranty last? Appliances come with a warranty or an assurance that the manufacturer will repair or replace the item within a particular length of time. The item you bought may work perfectly fine at first, but it may not live up to your expectations after using it for some time. If your item fails to function properly within the warranty period, you can have it replaced or repaired without incurring additional costs. 

Does it make noises? Finding an answer to this question is a challenge if you’re shopping online. Some sellers make it a point to mention that a model operates silently. For the most part, however, you have to rely on product and independent reviews to see if the washing machine or dishwasher you’re looking at will not disturb the peace in your home. If you know anyone who has bought the same unit, it’s also a good idea to ask them. 

What extra features does it have?

Once you’ve established that the item fulfills the basic functions that you want it to do, the next thing you should check is whether or not it has extra, nice-to-have features. If you’re buying air conditioners, for example, you can see if the unit you are eyeing has features like a variable-speed compressor and smart connectivity. Maybe you want a refrigerator and you found one with convertible compartments that’s within your budget. Is it a feature that you can maximize, or should you save more money by going with a basic model? These questions can help you see if the appliance is worth its cost. 

Shopping online still has a few downsides, but online stores are taking steps to make the experience an enjoyable, positive, and practical one for consumers. When in doubt or if you find that the information on an item is not enough to justify the purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out to the seller. Just like in a physical store, online sales assistants are just as eager to help you find the model that suits your property and lifestyle.